Monday, February 22, 2016

Political Cartoon 7

The issue this political cartoon is exploring is the Spanish-American War. The cartoonist’s message is that Uncle Sam wants to take Cuba all for himself, at all costs, and he is reaching out his enormous hands to grab Cuba.  The cartoonist’s message is that Uncle Sam was acting selfishly. The opposing view could be that we actually did need to help Cuba because Spain was ruling over them. The Spaniards needed to be out of North America so that democracy could prevail. Also, the United States needed to be able to build factories and military bases in Cuba.
The cartoonist uses exaggeration and irony for persuasion. Exaggeration is present because Uncle Sam is very big. The cartoonist did this to make him look like he was very greedy as he reaches over to get Cuba. There is irony in this cartoon since it appears that some people are actually swimming towards Uncle Sam for help, even though he looks so greedy and selfish. America wants to put factories and military bases in Cuba. However, this will pollute their land. This supports my view that America was not justified in being imperialistic because it shows that Uncle Sam is taking land that isn’t his and he is taking the land for his own selfish reasons.

"Spanish-American War." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2016. 

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