Monday, February 22, 2016

Political Cartoon 8

The issue this cartoon is exploring is whether or not the United States was justified in building the Panama Canal. The United States had sent their navy to Columbia and a revolution occurred. Then, as a result, the nation of Panama was born. This cartoon shows America arriving in Panama with swords for force, and shovels to dig. The ship, which looks a huge elephant, is not going to let anything get in its way. Roosevelt has arrived and he will get what he needs to help the United States. The opposing, imperialistic opinion, is that the United States is justified in building a canal since we need to have access to the shortest route between the oceans for trading and military purposes. Some people might also think we belonged there to continue to spread democracy.
The cartoonist uses exaggeration and symbolism in this political cartoon. Roosevelt’s body, and the size of the ship, are both exaggerated. They are both almost as big as the entire country of Panama. This shows how powerful the United States is. The elephant symbolizes that the republicans have arrived in Panama, and that they are very interested in getting what they want. This cartoon supports my anti-imperialism viewpoint because Roosevelt should not have barged into Panama, armed and ready to get what he wanted. He took something that wasn’t his for his own selfish reasons. He wanted a shorter route to support our trade and military. Also, I believe he cheated Columbia out of land that was rightfully theirs.

""Coup D'Etat" A Political Cartoon about the Panama Canal." Group 4s US Foreign Relations Blog. N.p., 12 Sept. 2013. Web. 07 Feb. 2016. <

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